Celebrating Mrs Ethel Bryant's 100th Birthday!

For many years, Ethel was well-known for reciting Yorkshire monologues during concerts with the Woodlesford Ladies' choir and Rothwell's Jubilee choir. We hope you enjoy the treasure trove of her carefully written-out copies that we share here!

Thursday 2 October 2014

Ah think Ah should post this

Just a line ter say that Ah'm livin.
That Ah'm not amongst the dead.
Though Ah'm gettin' more forgetful,
An mixed up in mi 'ead.

Ah'v got use ter mi arthritis,
Ter mi dentures Ah'm resigned.
Ah can manage mi bi-focals,
But, Oh God, Ah miss mi mind!

Sometimes Ah can't remember,
When Ah'm standin' by the stair,
If Ah should gu'up fer somethin'
Or if Ah'v come down from there.

An before't lader so often
Mi mind is full o' doubt,
Nah did Ah put some foid away
Or come ter ger it aht?

An sometimes when it's night time,
Wi mi hair net on mi 'ead,
Ah hardly know if Ah'm retirin'
Or just gerrin aht er bed!

If it's not my turn ter write, dear,
Ah 'ope yer won't get sore.
Ah think Ah may 'av written
An Ah don't want ter be a bore.

So remember, Ah do love you.
An Ah wish that you were near.
But nah it's time ter post this
An ter say goodbye, my dear.

At last, Ah stood beside't post box,
An mi face it sure got red...
When Ah should 'av posted this ter yer,
Ah opened it instead!

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