Celebrating Mrs Ethel Bryant's 100th Birthday!

For many years, Ethel was well-known for reciting Yorkshire monologues during concerts with the Woodlesford Ladies' choir and Rothwell's Jubilee choir. We hope you enjoy the treasure trove of her carefully written-out copies that we share here!

Monday 21 December 2015


Ah shall have ter bi gettin mi trimmins aht
A t'Wesley cups dahn for t'tree
Am flayed as some got brokken last year
Ah'll hev ter av a quick look an see

Mi cleanin up a'most finished
Ah've nobbut mi kitched ter do
Through t'holiday ah'll know it's been bottomed
Ah'll just need ter vac an dust through.

Ah've gotten mi puddin an spice cade made
Mi cards are all written an all
Some wi Christmas trees, holly an mistletoe on
An sum wi stockings hung on t'chimney wall.

Bairns av already been singing at t'door
They seem ter come sooner ivvery year.
Wi nobbut just get t'plot neet ower
When t'carol singers are here!

Christmas wouldn't be t'same wi owt children
An Father Christmas play 'is part
Ee, ah luv all t'hustle an bustle
Ah'm nobbut a bairn mi sen at heart.

But in t'middle of all t'preparations
Carols, holly an mistletoe,
Wi moan' loise sight of what it's all abaht
Summat at 'appened soa long ago.

There'd be no mince pies that first Christmas,
No tree - not even a card.
Ther wer nobbut straw on t'stable floor
An t'muck ud trail in through t'backyard.

Carols wer sung bi t'Angels
Ter t'shepherds aht there on t'hill.
Glory an praise be ter God, they sang,
An Peace to All an Goodwill.

For God's Son ad come ter live wi us,
Among all ahr worry an fret.
Aye, love ud come dahn at Christmas,
An that's summat we mustn't ferget.

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